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23 October 2015

Memoir Project: 6 Word Memoirs and The Soundtrack of Your Life


I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music. Billy Joel

Writing a memoir comes easily for some, but is a struggle for others. One of the hardest things is revealing stories about yourself. However, life is about reflection, exploring, and sharing. The final written piece will not be shared with your classmates because I respect your right to privacy. Your story does not have to be deeply personal, but often times, those are things that we need to process the most.

This project will involve several activities. Some will be in class, but most will be out of class. 

It is highly important that you prioritize your time. 

Day 1: 6 Word Memoir

This in-class activity was inspired by supposed Hemingway's challenge to write a six word story. The story was, "For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never Worn."

To better help understand the process, we watched  "Tips for Writing a 6 Word Memoir" while pausing to complete each activity. There are some really interesting videos, books, and websites dedicated to The 6 Word Memoir that I strongly recommend. The concept is easy, but can be challenging; plus, they are often intriguing because so little is said.

Day 2: The Soundtrack of My Life inspired by Littunes

Step One: 

  • List eight major events that have happened in your life.

1. Meeting My Childhood Best Friend
2. Sisters' Birth
3. Group Home
4. Son's Birth
5. College Graduation
6. Divorce
7. Grandma's Death
8. Remarrying 

Step Two: 

  • Choose a song that represents each event. 
  • The lyrics must match the theme/emotion of the event and MUST BE ACADEMICALLY APPROPRIATE (edit them if you have to do so). You can use to help you search for songs by subject. 
  • A brief explanation of each connection will need to be provided with samples of the lyrics or video clips. 

1. Meeting My Childhood Best Friend

"Count on Me" by Whitney Houston and CeCe Winans

I met my best friend when I was 9 years old and we are as close as ever 25 years later. Angie and I have been with each other through the unimaginable, both good and bad. Time has never changed our relationship and never will. 

2. Sisters' Birth

"I Hope You Dance" by Leeann Womack

At the time of my first sister's birth, I wasn't exactly thrilled. I always loved her, but I had been an only child for 10 years. Of course, she and my other sisters have been a source of unconditional love and pride for me. When I reflect on my dreams for them, this is the song that sings from my heart. 

3. Group Homes

"Desperately Wanting" by Better than Ezra 

It is no secret that I was a wayward and deviant teen who put herself in dangerous situations. Having to spend time in group homes was traumatic; upon reflection, those places probably saved my life and kept me safe enough from my wreckless behavior that I was able to eventually achieve my dreams of becoming a mother, a teacher, and a wife. "Desperately Wanting" by Better than Ezra still transports me to that time and those places, despite the fact that my attitude towards the reason for my placements has changed as an adult. 

4. Son's Birth

"Godspeed" by The Dixie Chics

"Godspeed" by The Dixie Chics is my song for my son. He came into the world and I was forever changed. The love a mother has for her child is like no other. Godspeed is meant to wish someone a prosperous journy and all I want for my rugged and creative little boy is to find his happiness in the world. I have been singing this to him 

5. College Graduation

"Survivor" by Destiny's Child

There were many people that did not believe that I would be able to overcome the obstacles that I faced (and sometimes created) during my teen years and early twenties. It took me A LONG TIME to finish college, but I was determined to become a teacher. I knew that I was going to make, even when other's didn't think that I could. I sang this song in my head while I walked across stage to get my diploma. Truth Bomb - Haters last your whole life, so let their negativity push you to greatness and leave them in the dust. 

6. Divorce

"Ex-Factor" by Lauryn Hill

No one gets married with the plans of getting divorced one day. Most divorces aren't because of lack of love, but rather other prideful and stressful adult junk that just can't get worked out. Divorce hit me really hard and I would spend a lot of time listening to Lauryn Hill's entire album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

This is an example of how a song may not represent the entire situation, but the tone and emotions with a few key lines can be tied to a moment to create a musical memoir. 

On a positive note, my ex and I both found the loves of our lives and are happy beyond belief with our spouses. Still, this song reminds me of the pain and confusion that comes with a failing marriage.

7. The Passing of My Grandmothers 

"The Old Rugged Cross" by Brad Paisley 
"When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley feating Dolly Parton

My Grandma Hammond passed away on January 4, 1997. She had been sick on some level most of my life, but it still felt sudden. She spoiled us grandkids perfectly rotten and we had a very special bond because I was the only girl for a long time. She would take my cousin Shane and me to the zoo and then to the grocery store; she wanted to see my Papaw and we wanted a chocolate bar. I seemed to have inherited her flair for the dramatic and gift of gab. This is old hymn is her song because it was her favorite. 

My Grandma Ann passed away on January 2, 2011. Unlike my maternal grandmother, my Grandma Ann was always working and was highly independent. She was the rock of my life. It was nine weeks between her diagnosis of stage 4 cancer and her death. I was not prepared to lose my most trustest confidant and my biggest fan. I still have her number in my phone and still forget that I can't just call her to get advice, to gossip, to get a recipe, a pep talk, a butt-chewing, or gardening advice.

8. Remarrying 

"You Are the Best Thing" by Ray Lamontagne

And then.....I met the love of my life and he decided to make me his wife. Although, I did not make it easy and tried my hardest to avoid a relationship with him. I had a ton of excuses, but there was a draw and I felt like I had found my metaphorical home (you know, a place of safety, nurturing, warmth, and all that other sappy stuff). To hear him tell it, he says that I was "the answer to his prayers" and "God's gift" to him. Newlyweds are SOOOOO mushy.

Day 3: PowerPoint 

After compiling your life events and choosing the appropriate songs to create a soundtrack, begin to create a powerpoint presentation (for the purpose of privacy).  

You may include pictures, videos, samples of lyrics if they are appropriate. 

    Multimedia Project : The Soundtrack of My Life

    Teacher Name: Jaimie Hatfield

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.
Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation.
Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content.
Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentaion content.
All requirements are met and exceeded. You must have 8 events with brief descriptions and an explained musical connection.
All requirements are met. You must have 8 events with brief descriptions and a musical connection.
One requirement was not completely met. You must have 8 events with brief descriptions and/or a musical connection.
More than one requirement was not completely met.
No misspellings or grammatical errors.
Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors.
Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
More than 4 errors in spelling or grammar.
Covers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent.
Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good.
Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors.
Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.
Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material.
Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed.
Content is logically organized for the most part.
There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.
Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.
Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.
Uses other people\'s ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking.
Uses other people\'s ideas, but does not give them credit.

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