Hatfield’s Syllabus 2015-2016
High school Course: Pre-AP, AVID, and Mythology
Teacher’s name: Jaimie Hatfield Young
Room Number: 807
Preparation Period: 11:35 a.m. to 12:26 p.m.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the availability of technology grows, I have tried to place academic information on various social media sites to increase their engagement in learning and for them to easily find resources. I also encourage parents and guardians to utilize these so that you may easily see what your student is learning in my class. All are available as down-loadable apps.
Non-traditional Resources for notes and assignments for class:
Follow Starshine Supernova on Instragram for pictures of SmartBoard notes, class projects, and assignments.
Like the Facebook blog page titled Louder than Most for detailed information,resources, and grading rubrics.
MailChimp is an email program that allows me to send out newsletters and other information directly to the parents and guardians. If you are not on my list and you would like to be, please email me at jaimie.hatfield@lrsd.org.
Gaggle is a program where students can find and submit work, as well as communication.
Remind 101 is a text messaging service that sends reminders for upcoming tests, quizzes, tutoring availability, and extra credit directly to the phones of guardians and students who choose to sign up.
Guardian and students are typically familiar with Edline for checking grades. However, I will also be posting daily lesson plans; this helps guardians connect with the
classroom and monitor what their student is learning.
I do not have a Youtube channel at this time, but it is in the works for this school year. However, I frequently utilize other educator’s videos to help student learning.
Class Rules
Come to class on time. Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring is not acceptable. You must be INSIDE the door and IN YOUR SEAT when it begins ringing to be counted on time.
Be ready to begin class before the bell rings. Upon entering the class, you are to gather and prepare your materials, place your bag/purse in the designated area, write the daily objective in your Do Now notebook, and begin your Do Now without prompting from the teacher.
Attend to personal needs before coming to class. Passes will be given out sparingly and only during emergencies, as instructed by the administration. Do not ask for passes unless you have a real emergency. I will only give one pass per nine weeks. You must have an agenda book in order to receive that pass.
Unless you have been given special permission to get up, you are to remain in your assign seat. All trash should be thrown away at the end of the period.
Consumption of candy/food/drink is prohibited in class per instructions from the administration.
Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.
Talk only when permitted and always speak with an appropriate volume and in a respectful, academically-minded manner.
Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing, profanity, words of hate, and impolite behaviors are unacceptable. Be kind to one another. We will do group and pair work and you will be expected to be mature and contribute. You are not to refuse to work in a group or make negative comments about an assigned group due to personality differences. If your peer is not contributing to the group, you do have the right to discreetly voice that concern to the teacher.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating or purposefully plagiarizing will receive a zero without an opportunity to recover the credit.
Follow reasonable directives from all LRSD staff without argument.
Respect all rules pertaining to the use of classroom computers. Violation of these rules will result in revocation of computer privileges.
You are not allowed to download any material onto the computers including MP3s.
You are not allowed to watch videos or listen to music.
You cannot look up any inappropriate materials. This includes sexually explicit, gambling, alcohol, illegal drugs, or gang related material.
You may not “hack” into blocked websites such as social media sites and entertainments sites.
Do not do any damage to the machine or its accessories.
Do not change the screen saver, desktop background, or cursors.
Cyber-bullying and video voyeurism are illegal.
Materials: You are expected to have your materials daily. Supplies will not be provided for you by the teacher or fellow students. There will be random notebook checks; supplies are considered part of the notebook check. Put your name on the outside of the folder in case it gets lost.
Supply List for English II/Mythology:
1 – 3 inch Binder
Loose Leaf Paper
#2 Pencils or Mechanical Pencils
2 Spiral Notebooks for each semester
Agenda Book
Flash Drive
Pencil Pouch
2 hole punched folders with pockets
Hall High I.D.
We will have several projects throughout the year that require poster boards, construction/cardstock, and other craft materials. I will give substantial notice before these projects are due.
You need access to the internet on a regular basis because you will locate and submit most of your work through Gaggle. If you do not have computer access at home, you are welcome to attend tutoring or visit one of the public libraries for computer access.
Course requirements:
Students will be responsible for the reading requirements and the material presented in class. It is expected that students will attend class and participate in class activities and discussions. Some assignments will be conducted and completed in class. In order to receive credit for these assignments, students must attend the class. Participation is a grade.
Outside Reading
All students will be responsible for reading two books outside of the class each semester.
Book selection resources and assessment assignments will be provided after the first week of the first semester.
All written assignments must be typed in Modern Language Association (MLA) format and submitted electronically.
In-Class Group Work
When you are assigned to work with a group, you will:
Test and Pop Quizzes
Tests will be given on material from lectures and assigned reading. You will be given advanced notice and a study guide for unit tests and semester exams. Cheating is never allowed. If you cheat or it is perceived that you are cheating, you will get a zero on your test or quiz.
Standards Based Grading focuses on the student’s mastery of a grade-level appropriate skill. Each activity, homework and in-class, are in preparation for demonstration of skill mastery. Understanding is assessed in various methods including traditional tests/quizzes, projects, and short activities.
Email: The best way to contact me is by email. My email address is jaimie.hatfield@lrsd.org. If you are a student, you may only contact me through Gaggle.
Major Assignments/Portfolio Pieces: You will be submit several formal writing pieces over the course of the year. All written assessments must be submitted electronically through Gaggle and all electronic submissions must be saved as a Rich Text Format file. You must save you assignment under the provided file name for each activity. If it is not accurately saved and submitted, it will not be viewed
Homework Policy: Assigned homework is due by the listed in Gaggle’s assignment drop box. You will NOT have time to finish assignments in class. Homework is NEVER busy work and will be used for class; therefore, it is essential that you complete the homework when it is due.
Late Work/Re-do Policy: Inquiring about missed assignments due to an excused absence is YOUR responsibility and must be done on your own time. You must get notes from a classmate and you must ask the teacher for your missed work/assignments. For your convenience, a folder with the daily lessons will be placed on the podium by the door. You are also responsible for turning in any assignments that were taken up during the absence. For example, if homework was due on a Monday and you were absent, you should turn it in on the first day you return.
When you miss homework because you chose not to do it, you will receive no credit (marked NC in edline). If you choose to take the late work option, you must request a Credit Recovery form for your guardian to sign. Assignments will only be taken up to one week late. You will also receive a 30% reduction for all late work.
If you miss a test or quiz, you have to make it up in after-school tutoring. If there is a conflict, please have your guardian contact me via email or phone.
If you are unhappy with your grade on a test or project, you may submit a Request for Re-do form within one class period of your returned grade. Upon receipt of the Request for Re-do form, the teacher will schedule an appropriate time for submitting the completed work.
Extra Credit: There will be one extra credit assignment available each nine weeks. These are due by the 7th week of the quarter. Please understand that the expectations for quality work are very high for each extra credit assignment. If the product does not meet the standards, you will not receive credit. An alternate assignment is to get a Letter to the Editor of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette published. This will require you to read the newspaper, as the purpose of the letter is to respond to an article or to address a concern of the readers. If you intend to try this, please familiarize yourself with the types of letters that are typically published. I recommend you check for grammar and spelling errors before sending it as well. If you do get published, you must clip out your submission from the paper and provide me a copy. These letters can be sent at http://www.arkansasonline.com/contact/voicesform/. In the spring, you may attend three sessions (you must provide proof) at the Arkansas Literary Festival and type a one-page review of each session.
Guardian Contact: It is very important that guardians keep the school contact information current.
For the first Category One Offense, I will make phone contact with your guardian. For each reoccurring offense, I will follow the Little Rock School Handbook for disciplinary action. You will be provided a copy of the Little Rock School District Handbook shortly after the beginning of the school year.
Attendance and Tardy Policy: It is very important that you be in class everyday. If you miss 45 minutes or more of my class for any reason, you will be considered absent. You may only make up your work for excused absences. Again, make-up work is your responsibility to obtain. If you have more than 12 absences in one class, you will receive No Credit for that semester. If you are tardy, please locate security and get a tardy pass. I will not let you in the room without a tardy pass. Please understand that even excuses absences in excess (including ISS and OSS) hinder your education process. Missed work will not be provided after the first suspension.
Helpful Websites and Links:
Little Rock School District
Hall High School
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Central Arkansas Library
Encyclopedia Britannica Access
EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service